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Drive greater efficiency and gain profitability with NetSuite Manufacturing consulting

The finest manufacturing ERP software is the ideal solution you’re looking for.
Product data management
With the deployment of NetSuite Manufacturing, businesses can manage all product data through an integrated platform. Manufacturing units get better control of all the processes through robust capabilities of this cloud ERP for manufacturing.

Key operations to run manufacturing including

  1. Items
  2. Customers
  3. Partners
  4. Vendors

Master your production flow with advanced planning and scheduling strategies 

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Optimize Planning & Scheduling 


Balance demand and supply for on-time deliveries 


Leverage powerful features like real-time scheduling, finite/infinite capacity scheduling, drag-and-drop scheduling operations  


Effortless Production Control   


Completely manage work orders from creation to completion    



Real-time visibility with automatic status updates   


Production control capabilities such as track WIP, labor, and backflush seamlessly, automatic status updates with workflow and complete real-time view  


Optimize Planning & Scheduling 


Balance demand and supply for on-time deliveries 


Leverage powerful features like real-time scheduling, finite/infinite capacity scheduling, drag-and-drop scheduling operations  


Effortless Production Control   


Completely manage work orders from creation to completion    



Real-time visibility with automatic status updates   


Production control capabilities such as track WIP, labor, and backflush seamlessly, automatic status updates with workflow and complete real-time view  

Why NetSuite? 

  1. Built for manufacturers :- From procurement, production planning, to discrete manufacturing. A single platform manages your entire operations
  2. Scalable & Adaptable to business needs  :- The power and agility to support and adapt to your business’s processes as per the requirement time-to-time 
  3. Global ERP  :- Global reach, seamless operations for your supply chain. Supports multiple languages and currencies, ensuring smooth international operations

NetSuite manufacturing services - Built for you 


  • Streamline discrete & assembly - Manage complex production with ease 
  • Master batch & process manufacturing - Optimize large-scale production runs seamlessly 
  • Work from anywhere - Access production data & manage decisions on the go 
  • Deep customization - Tailor NetSuite to perfectly fit your business needs 

Time to power up your manufacturing operations with multiple benefits  


Real-time shop floor control

Make informed choices with instant shop floor data to drive user satisfaction, data accuracy to enhance manufacturing operations 

Effortless quality management

Define inspection plans, track results, and ensure top-notch production to ensure high-quality production 

Streamlined order management 

Deliver perfect orders every time with minimal effort and drive maximum benefits   

Global supply chain visibility 

Control and track your entire network with real-time visibility 

Streamline your manufacturing process using our flexible ERP software workflow

Just as a well-oiled machine operates smoothly and effectively, the right manufacturing workflow ensures efficient operations and steady progress toward production goals.

Our NetSuite manufacturing process:

  • Engineering

    We help you oversee your products' entire lifecycle, from initial brainstorming through to production readiness, while managing various versions and tracking the necessary raw materials. 


  • Product development

    Our Netsuite manufacturing services meticulously plan and guide your stock production process, providing your team with clear and precise instructions. 


  • Production process

    Our NetSuite manufacturing services assist you in planning your entire production schedule. This allows you to access and manage the necessary tasks for producing your products effectively. 


  • Supply chain management

    We help you manage the master production schedule, routing, and the efficient flow of materials and products from planning to procurement. This reduces overhead manufacturing costs and minimizes unnecessary delays. 


  • Quality control

    To ensure your products meet quality standards, we establish multiple checkpoints and implement statistical process control (SPC) checks throughout the product manufacturing lifecycle. Additionally, we set up alerts to promptly identify any issues that may arise. 


  • Maintenance management

    We help you keep your assets, raw materials, items, and equipment in optimal condition by implementing comprehensive maintenance schedules in NetSuite ERP. This enables you to quickly identify and resolve any issues that may arise. 


Our NetSuite manufacturing consulting checklist

BOM (bills of materials) components

  • Process Optimization: Streamline flat, phantom, and cascading BOMs for efficient material and information flow. 
  • Standardization of Measurements: Ensure consistency in units of measurement (UoMs) across all BOMs to prevent misunderstandings and errors. 
  • Dynamic Unit Conversion: Facilitate seamless unit conversions between UoMs as required by different production stages or regulatory needs. 
  • BOM Structure Enhancement: Regularly review and enhance the BOM structure to incorporate technological advancements and feedback from production and engineering teams. 


  • Real-Time WIP Tracking: Utilize NetSuite ERP to provide real-time monitoring of WIP levels, allowing for immediate adjustments and optimization of production flow. 
  • Efficiency Analysis: Analyze the time and resources spent at each stage of manufacturing to identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Implement strategies to streamline operations, reducing cycle times and improving throughput. 
  • Cost Impact Assessment: Assess how WIP levels impact the overall cost structure, including the effects on cash flow and inventory holding costs. Develop strategies to minimize these costs while ensuring production efficiency. 
  • Quality Control Integration: Integrate quality control measures within the WIP analysis to prevent the advancement of defective products. Set up checkpoints or quality gates to ensure that issues are detected and resolved early in the production process. 
  • Predictive Analytics: Leverage predictive analytics to forecast future WIP levels based on historical data, current order inputs, and production capacity. Use these insights to make informed decisions about resource allocation, scheduling, and potential process improvements. 


Utilize ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software, MRP (Material Requirements Planning) software, or a production planning and scheduling system to determine: 

  • Comprehensive Routing Strategies: Implement detailed routing strategies to optimize the flow through work centers and minimize transition times. 
  • Capacity Planning: Calculate machine and labor time accurately to optimize capacity utilization and minimize downtime. 
  • Lead Time Optimization: Assess and reduce lead times within production processes through better scheduling and resource allocation. 
  • Efficiency Improvements: Continuously refine routing steps to eliminate waste and improve overall process efficiency. 


  • Costing Techniques Application: Implement various costing methods tailored to different production scenarios to ensure accurate cost estimation. 
  • Cost Categorization: Improve understanding and management of direct vs. indirect costs to better control financial outcomes. 
  • Overhead Cost Allocation: Develop a sophisticated cost allocation system to accurately distribute overhead and support managerial decision-making. 
  • Standard Cost Revisions: Regularly review and adjust standard costs in response to changes in the production environment and market conditions. 

BOM and Traveller

  • Maintain a single, centralized source of truth for all BOMs to ensure accuracy and consistency across production. 
  • Ensure each traveler document is comprehensive and facilitates real-time tracking of production status and quality. 

Shopfloor management 

Consider various stages from planning to support, including: 

  • Production planning: Develop and implement an integrated production planning system that aligns with inventory and capacity constraints. 
  • Inventory management: Adopt advanced inventory management practices like ABC analysis and cycle counting for better stock control. 
  • Quality control: Implement robust quality control systems with regular audits and feedback loops to maintain product standards. 
  • Data/Analytics: Utilize analytics to glean insights from production data, enhancing strategic decisions and operational adjustments. 
  • Workforce management: Foster a skilled workforce with continuous training and engagement strategies to maintain high productivity levels. 

Production scheduling

  • With a solid plan, bottlenecks and delays are effectively avoided, enhancing productivity. Use dynamic scheduling models that can adapt to changes in production demands or resource availability. 
  • We can help determine product selection, quantity, and timelines. Incorporate scripts to help optimize scheduling, reduce downtime, and increase output. 
  • NetSuite's manufacturing resource planning automates and optimizes these tasks. 
  • Enable real-time scheduling adjustments to respond promptly to disruptions or urgent orders. 

Compliance and Reporting

  • Regulatory Compliance Assurance: Ensure all production activities comply with local and international regulations to avoid legal penalties. 
  • Automated Reporting Systems: Develop automated reporting systems for real-time tracking of compliance and performance metrics. 

Discover checklist for your manufacturing business.

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Why Choose Entartes for your NetSuite manufacturing needs? 


Unmatched expertise 

Team of seasoned NetSuite consultants boasts over 10+ years of combined industry experience who know how to deal with unique challenges manufacturers face 


Streamlined processes 

Our team approach meticulously analyzes your business’s current manufacturing processes to identify inefficiencies then leverage NetSuite's powerful functionalities to automate tasks, improve data visibility, and optimize production workflows


Enhanced visibility and control 

With real-time insights into inventory levels, production schedules, and resource allocation we deliver data-driven decisions, minimizing waste, and maximizing ROI  

Over 60% of NetSuite implementations are performed by NetSuite ERP system partners

Ready to transform your manufacturing with NetSuite manufacturing consultant in US? 

Contact Entartes today to discuss your business needs and discover how our NetSuite manufacturing consulting services in Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Texas, and the entire US can aid in achieving operational excellence.
Schedule a free consultation with a NetSuite Manufacturing expert today!

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